Thinking of Building a Business?

Simplify the, "Do I do it?" hedging in a weekend.

If you’re considering being your own boss or launching your own business, this is the bite-sized course for you.

It’s on the tail end of the Zone of Purpose™ Blueprint, but we wanted to give you access à la carte style!

Within a weekend, you could have clarity and more insight into if launching a business is a fit for you, now or down the road. Let’s discuss some of the struggles.

What might be going through your mind and heart is:

Are my gifts even business worthy?

I think they are! And you’ll have the space and time to contemplate what gifts you’d like to share and how. Your potential business journey stems from your gifts, your experiences, and your evolution. You get to decide what sings from your soul and what you wish to share. And you’re not doing it alone.

What do I need to think about or consider?

Business planning can feel daunting. Especially if you’re not the type who had a lemonade stand at the age of six or wanted to be an entrepreneur for years. Take the guide, which breaks foundations and things to consider down, so you don’t have to keep running your mind around in circles.

I want to do business differently, but how?

That’s what’s beautiful about business and building something from concepts that come from the head, the heart, and the soul. You get to do this differently. Sure, there might be similarities in processes or how we show up, but this is your soul-full path. Own it, my magical unicorn friend.

Shifting from the Job-Job Realm and Into the Business Realm is a Unique Journey

I don’t care who tells you shifting into a business is “easy” once you know the “secret.”

Your shifting and pivot into business is personal, unique, and yours. Not anyone else’s.

Full disclosure: I overlapped my last job-job with starting Feminine Sage Wisdom. And I wouldn’t do it differently. Why? Because I like to try to see the path before me before I dive off the cliff.

You might be a cliff jumper, or breaking free from a toxic AF workplace, but there’s a lot of us who like to overlap, if we have the resources to do it, and we like to do our homework.

The Be Your Own Boss Guide is doing your homework. And I wanted it to be relatively affordable or something one could save up for.

I don’t want your, “What ifs?” to hold you back. So, use this guide as a tool to dig into if this is the right fit before you take the leap into business.

Because when you’re ready to dive in, you’ll have foundational, soul-full knowledge that’s ready to inform your next steps.

Just remember: you’re not alone on this journey. Like my beloveds, we’re a pack. And this pack is epic and ready to do business with soul to help heal this world!

This bite-sized course is an affordable opportunity to triple check, with clarity and alignment, if you want to dive into crafting a business or what that might look like for you.

Save potentially thousands of dollars, thousands of hours, and lots of tears, cursing, and chocolate.

Testimonials and Client Love:


Her vision of supporting women to be their own boss goes beyond the simple “just be an entrepreneur.”

Her primary focus is to support women to stand in their agency, alignment, and autonomy, no matter what it looks like in their different seasons. She trusts in women’s ability to carve their path. In addition to being a fully present listener, she has a magical way to plant seeds to encourage women to explore what she feels they need to.

She is a brave space holder and understands that our timetable may look different but once we’re ready to take a leap or make a pivot happen, she jumps right back in to brainstorm and brings new ideas to the table.


Sylva, Business Owner


Working with Virginia has been incredibly uplifting and inspiring and so different from the rat race and hustle I am used to! The ideas that I have taken form and blossom with her influence and help. Furthermore, I feel that I can express myself, my desires and goals and any and all of my ideas in a safe and affirming environment.

I honestly don’t know what I would have done without her soulful advice as I get my new business off the ground!

Natacha, Business Owner

Grab it now to find out, with authentic and relatable stories, the lessons we’ve learned and that you can operate your business with soul.

Have More Questions? Let's go over them...

Do I have to buy anything extra, like your other programs and services?

Definitely not. We like offering women options, because sometimes we need to pick and choose what we need in the moment.

That being said, if you feel before hitting that buy button that you need deeper excavation on your purpose and what that is, do the Zone of Purpose™ Blueprint instead (even the Sapling level) and you’ll get the Be Your Own Boss Guide in it for free.

I'm up to my ears with life, work, and other responsibilities. I'm not sure I have the time.

We understand having responsibilities and fully support you doing a course like this (or anything) when you have time and the energy to focus on it.

That being said, this course is self-paced and you get lifetime access to it as long as it exists on the internet.

So, if you might have time, and really want to do it, just go at your own pace.

Do you have a refund policy?

Please note that for this course we do NOT offer a refund because it’s in digital format.

Again, we get life happens, but like with any course or program purchase, if you do absolutely nothing, you naturally won’t see any results or shifts of thinking. This space is about ownership and doing the work, to the very best of your ability.

Any other questions not listed here?

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