Dear Wise Woman:
Seeing and bearing witness to who we are, in all ways and forms, can feel a little daunting, can’t it? Especially those “shadow” aspects of our past and present. The ones where we cringe. Or when we look at ourself in the mirror and wonder who we see…
But here’s what I’ve found out: we have to embrace all the parts so we can know the whole. Our whole self.
We live in a world, or culture, that eschews the darkest corners of ourselves and teaches us that we have to be X, Y, Z, ways or embrace “only the good.” But what if that’s stifling us?
Today, we’re having a conversation about embracing all of us so we can do our soul’s work. This is a little introduction of sorts, and we can always dive into this from different angles, as you know!
But before we journey into this vulnerable topic, take a moment or two to just breathe.👇🏻

This conversation is about the journey of embracing and allowing. Let’s get into how:
- We can do our soul’s work through our jobs, our businesses, and life
- We have all sides to us, not just the “light”
- When you look at all sides, or try to, how do you approach it?
- You can embrace the shadows that you’re comfortable with and keep practicing such a gesture as time goes on
- And a BONUS: sit with the shadow for even five seconds. Acknowledge it with, “I see you, I don’t know how to love you yet, but I witness you. Thank you.”
Let’s Recap:
As we already talked about here at FSW, it’s easy for us women and femmes, and other folks, to be overly judgmental towards ourselves (and others, while we’re at it).
But as we peek out of the darkness with our inner light and torch, it helps to know that the “darkness within” is there for alchemy.
For transformation.
And for shifting from the “What the f- was I thinking?!” and towards, “Here’s how I’m now doing better and can help the world from what I learned.”
Is it always easy? Oh Hell noooo. But, it’s a chance we have to embrace ourselves in a new way.
Here’s a suggestion: if this is too much right now, how about you sit for a moment and tell yourself, “I see you. I don’t know how to always love you, but I witness you and how you try to be an Old Soul in this world. Thank you for showing me the way to my transformation and soul’s work.”
Don’t let alleged shadows dim your unicorn magic, my friend. Your soul’s mission depends on all your paths and experiences. And if you need help with crafting it, you know where to find me. 🦄
If you’re ready to bring your purpose to life, get started with the (free) Cosmos Guide and you can always go up from there. ✨
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