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Making Peace with Perfectionism

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Making Peace with Perfectionism to Do Your Big Purpose (MPP) is a bite-sized course that helps women learn a simple tool that even we’ve been using to make peace with perfectionism. We know what it’s like to not move forward in goals or dreams because there’s “never” the right answer or we can’t figure out the “right” way to take our next steps.

But as intuitive, changemaker women, we know that we’re more than perfectionism and we deserve happiness and success, even if it’s imperfect.

Varying resources in this video course include:

  •   Encouragement and validation through the lessons and workbook that remind you there’s nothing wrong with you
  • The key tool we use to this day so you can learn how to break free from overwhelm and exhaustion
  • Bonuses: A meditation and other bonus materials that help you prioritize your needs and ground yourself into who you are

I cannot recommend Virginia highly enough. Her coaching has resulted in some profound insights that I was unable to achieve by myself…she helped me achieve in less than half an hour what I had been attempting to do for months. If that’s not a life-changing outcome, I don’t know what is!
