Here are 3 Ways I Resist the Naysayers

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Wisdom Over Toxicity

Dear Wise Woman:

A viewer asked after the last video for some steps, tips, or ideas, on how to work with naysayers. So, let’s dive into it for this Weekly Wisdom! First, just know that these are my methods and you’ll find what works for you. Second, it’s taken me a while to figure out these tools or steps so they’re easy to remember. When we’re facing Dream Doubters or naysayers, we might get flustered, emotional, or feel uncertain, during the exchange. But when we recognize that we’re stumbling or stuck in shock — because not everyone is going to support our work — we need to lean into these methods. Or lean into what we know works for us. 👇🏻

In this video you’ll hear the three approaches I use:

  • Coming back to you, to root yourself, even with the feelings
  • Contemplate and reflect on why the barbs or “negativity” feels personal to you
  • Recognize why this goal, journey, idea, etc. is precious to you and protect the Hell out of it
  • Plus one little bonus tip at the end about community

Let’s Recap:

The biggest thing to remember from this WW is you’re not alone. You’re not alone when facing those who don’t get your dream. And you’re not alone when trying to stand in your power. There have been, and will be, fellow folks who are dreamers, inventors, inquisitive, and want the world to be a better place. As we move forward, those of us who make waves for change and compassionate action will stumble into naysayers. Use these tips or approaches to counter them today and find that community to help you do it. And you’ve got us here at FSW to start! Love this post and video? Share it with fellow wise women and buddies who’ll get it or need this wisdom! If you want us to do a video or blog about a question you have, leave us a comment below. If we can answer it, to the best of our ability, we’ll give it a go! Finally, if you’re ready to make the impact you want to make, check out our products and services!